We never perform the same workout twice in a row. Our workouts are constantly changing which keeps your body guessing and adapting. Ever here of the phrase “ life is not scripted, so why should your workout be”?
Simply put, movement relating to the way the human body works or operates. When was the last time you had to stand in front of a mirror and do an arm curl at work? We require exercises that are primal: push, pull, lift, and squat. Basic and functional movements are the foundation of human movement.
Intensity makes gains in fitness possible and is a relative term, your intensity will not look like that of an elite CrossFitter. We all have a baseline from which to progress from, so don’t worry.
At Rio City CrossFit you will find the will to meet each challenge with the strength of both body and mind. Most importantly you will meet each challenge with the encouragement and motivation from fellow Cross Fitters.